Location: Charm Sciences, Inc 659 Andover St. Lawrence MA 01843 United States
Robert Salter Vice President of Regulatory Affairs and Business Development Charm Sciences, Inc., Lawrence MA USA Master of Science - Life Science Engineering- Tufts University
Bob has 40+ years experience in the production, development and regulatory approvals of diagnostic tests for the food industry. He is past Deputy Chair and Chair of IDF Standing Committee-Residues and Chemical Contaminates, SCRCC, and Methods for Processing Aids and Indicators SCAMPAI. His expertise includes developing and validating methods for detection of antimicrobials, phosphatase, and mycotoxins in milk and foods. His inventions include a microbial detection and counter platform, Peel Plate; a microbial inhibition test for tissues, KIS test; a sensitive ATP test to detect food residues at allergenic protein levels, AllerGiene; detection methods for fecal indicators in water; and rapid phosphatase tests for dairy products, Paslite and FAP test. Bob has done over 20 verification studies with AOAC-RI, ISO/IDF and AOAC-International and shepherd many of these approval through National Conference for Interstate Milk Shipments approvals and ISO standardization. His publications include topics of Phosphatase (2007 IDF Bulletin), Adenosine Triphosphate sanitation hygiene, pasteurization verification, allergen cross contamination control, numerous antibiotic and mycotoxin residue test validations, microbial and viral indicators for water quality. He is author of two chapters in the recent release 18th edition of Standard Methods in the Evaluation of Dairy Products.