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Guangzhou Scikoon Industry Ltd. Co.

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  • Monday, Apr 29th
    10:00 AM – 10:10 AM EDT
    CHRONECT Workstations for Edible Oils
    Room: 220d - Expo Hall Theatre
    Health and NutritionAnalyticalIndustrial Oil Products
  • Monday, Apr 29th
    10:30 AM – 12:00 PM EDT
    General Health and Nutrition
    Room: 524b
    Session Chair: Rinat Rivka Ran-Ressler, PhD – Nestle Health Science
    Session Chair: Andrea Hsieh, PhD PMP – Nestle Health Science
    Health and Nutrition
  • Monday, Apr 29th
    10:35 AM – 10:52 AM EDT
    Emulsion droplet crystallinity does not affect postprandial plasma lipopolysaccharide-mediated inflammation: Secondary analysis of a randomized double-blind crossover study in healthy men
    Room: 524b
    Presenting Author: Erik Dassoff, MSc (he/him/his) – University of Guelph
    Co-Author: Samar Hamad – Warba Medical Supplies Company
    Co-Author: Elaina Campagna – University of Toronto
    Co-Author: Surangi H. Thilakarathna – University of Alberta
    Co-Author: Marie-Caroline Michalski, PhD, Eng. (she/her/hers) – INRAE, CarMeN Laboratory
    Co-Author: Amanda Wright – University of Guelph
    Health and Nutrition
  • Monday, Apr 29th
    10:52 AM – 11:09 AM EDT
    Influence of hempseed (Cannabis sativa sb. sativa) added kombucha beverage on the increase in resistance to oxidative stress in Caenorhabditis elegans
    Room: 524b
    Presenting Author: Samanta Sarahí Reyes Flores, MD (she/her/hers) – University of Ottawa/ UDLAP
    Co-Author: Taisa Sabrina Silva Pereira – University of the Americas Puebla
    Co-Author: Chibuike Udenigwe, PhD – University of Ottawa
    Health and Nutrition
  • Monday, Apr 29th
    11:09 AM – 11:26 AM EDT
    Effect of macro nutrients on physical properties of shelf stable milk alternative beverages
    Room: 524b
    Presenting Author: Seyhun Gemili, PhD – PepsiCo
    Health and Nutrition
  • Monday, Apr 29th
    11:26 AM – 11:43 AM EDT
    Multispecies swards, a newly introduced and more sustainable cow diet, increase polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) levels in milk within a seasonal, spring-calving system.
    Room: 524b
    Presenting Author: Renata Kostovska, MSc – Teagasc Food Research Centre
    Co-Author: Gaetan Drouin – Teagasc Food Research Centre
    Co-Author: Brendan Horan – Teagasc, Animal & Grassland Research and Innovation Centre
    Co-Author: Tom O'Callaghan – University College Cork
    Co-Author: John Tobin – Teagasc Food Research Centre
    Co-Author: Alan Kelly – University College Cork
    Co-Author: Laura G. Gómez-Mascaraque, Dr. – Teagasc Food Research Centre
    Health and Nutrition
  • Monday, Apr 29th
    11:43 AM – 12:00 PM EDT
    In vitro digestion of protein aerogels generated from defatted rice bran protein via supercritical carbon dioxide technology
    Room: 524b
    Presenting Author: Sumanjot Kaur, MS (she/her/hers) – University of Arkansas
    Co-Author: Ali Ubeyitogullari, PhD (he/him/his) – University of Arkansas
    Health and Nutrition
  • Monday, Apr 29th
    12:00 PM – 1:00 PM EDT
    Health and Nutrition 2025 Technical Session Development
    Room: 720
    Health and Nutrition
  • Monday, Apr 29th
    1:30 PM – 3:00 PM EDT
    Fermentation I: Modern Innovations in Bio-Physical and Bio-Chemical Protein Functionality
    Room: 520e
    Session Chair: Bishnu Karki, PhD – South Dakota State University
    Session Chair: Yonghui Li, PhD – Kansas State University
    BiotechnologyProtein and Co-ProductsProcessingHealth and Nutrition
  • Monday, Apr 29th
    1:30 PM – 3:00 PM EDT
    Milk Polar Lipids, and Special FA (SCFA, BCFA, etc)
    Room: 524b
    Session Chair: Marie-Caroline Michalski, PhD, Eng. (she/her/hers) – INRAE, CarMeN Laboratory
    Session Chair: Cathriona Monnard
    Health and Nutrition
  • Monday, Apr 29th
    1:35 PM – 1:55 PM EDT
    Lipid structures in foods as key players in nutrition and health: from milk fat globules to polar lipids and beyond
    Room: 524b
    Presenting Author: Marie-Caroline Michalski, PhD, Eng. (she/her/hers) – INRAE, CarMeN Laboratory
    Health and Nutrition
  • Monday, Apr 29th
    1:35 PM – 1:55 PM EDT
    Power-to-Protein as a Novel Protein Value Chain
    Room: 520e
    Presenting Author: Lutz Grossman – University of Massachusetts Amherst
    BiotechnologyProtein and Co-ProductsProcessingHealth and Nutrition
  • Monday, Apr 29th
    1:55 PM – 2:15 PM EDT
    Food fermentations as an essential tool to improve quality and nutritional properties of plant-based protein foods
    Room: 520e
    Presenting Author: Michael G. Gaenzle, Dr rer nat habil (he/him/his) – University of Alberta
    Co-Author: Jin` Xie – University of Alberta
    Co-Author: Maria Guadalupe Robles-Hernandez – University of Alberta
    Co-Author: Mégane Beausejour – University of Alberta
    Co-Author: Monika Dymarska – Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences
    BiotechnologyProtein and Co-ProductsProcessingHealth and Nutrition
  • Monday, Apr 29th
    1:55 PM – 2:15 PM EDT
    Milk polar lipids and sphingomyelin attenuate DSS-induced colitis in mice fed high-fat diet: Mechanisms and microbiota modulation
    Room: 524b
    Presenting Author: Christopher Blesso, PhD (he/him/his) – University of Connecticut
    Co-Author: Chelsea Garcia – University of Connecticut
    Co-Author: Lidan Gao – University of Connecticut
    Co-Author: Liya Anto – University of Connecticut
    Co-Author: Oliver Otoko – University of Connecticut
    Co-Author: Julia Colliton – University of Connecticut
    Health and Nutrition
  • Monday, Apr 29th
    2:15 PM – 2:35 PM EDT
    Evaluating the impact of milk components on infant health.
    Room: 524b
    Presenting Author: Carolyn Slupsky – University of California, Davis
    Health and Nutrition
  • Monday, Apr 29th
    2:15 PM – 2:35 PM EDT
    Fungal fermentation to improve the nutritional value of oilseed meal for animal feeds
    Room: 520e
    Co-Author: Xiao Sun (he/him/his) – University of Minnesota
    Presenting Author: Bo Hu (he/him/his) – University of Minnesota
    BiotechnologyProtein and Co-ProductsProcessingHealth and Nutrition
  • Monday, Apr 29th
    2:35 PM – 2:55 PM EDT
    Dietary pentadecanoic acid (C15:0) increases early growth rate and induces synthesis of omega 8 odd chain polyunsaturated fatty acids in EFA deficient rats
    Room: 524b
    Presenting Author: Vincent Ciesielski, Master's degree (he/him/his) – L'Institut Agro Rennes-Angers and Institut NuMeCan
    Co-Author: Thomas Guerbette – Université Laval
    Co-Author: Léa Fret – Institut Agro Rennes-Angers
    Co-Author: Youenn Launay – NuMeCan (Nutrition, Metabolism and Cancer) institute
    Co-Author: Mélodie Succar – Institut Agro Rennes-Angers
    Co-Author: Manuel Vlach – Institut Agro Rennes-Angers
    Co-Author: Daniel Catheline – Institut Agro Rennes-Angers
    Co-Author: Philippe Legrand – Institut Agro Rennes-Angers
    Co-Author: Sophie Blat – NuMeCan (Nutrition, Metabolism and Cancer) institute
    Co-Author: Vincent Rioux – Institut Agro Rennes-Angers
    Health and Nutrition
  • Monday, Apr 29th
    2:35 PM – 2:55 PM EDT
    Revolutionizing the Food Industry: Turning Tofu Processing Waste (Aquaforté) into a Sustainable Egg Substitute
    Room: 520e
    Presenting Author: Martin J.T. Reaney – University of Saskatchewan
    Co-Author: Youn Young Shim, PhD – University of Saskatchewan
    Co-Author: Young Jun M. Kim – Korea University
    BiotechnologyProtein and Co-ProductsProcessingHealth and Nutrition
  • Monday, Apr 29th
    3:30 PM – 5:00 PM EDT
    DPA, SDA, The forgotten omega-3 FA
    Room: 520e
    Session Chair: Philip Calder, PhD, DPhil (he/him/his) – University of Southampton
    Session Chair: Greg Cumberford, BSc (he/him/his) – Natures Crops International
    Health and Nutrition
  • Monday, Apr 29th
    3:30 PM – 5:00 PM EDT
    Plant Protein Digestibility, Bio-accessibility, and Bio-availability
    Room: 524b
    Session Chair: Hongbing Fan, PhD (he/him/his) – University of Kentucky
    Session Chair: Kaustav Majumder, PhD (he/him/his) – University of Nebraska-Lincoln
    Session Chair: Jake M. Olson, PhD – TerViva Bioenergy Inc.
    Health and NutritionProtein and Co-Products
  • Monday, Apr 29th
    3:35 PM – 3:55 PM EDT
    Plant protein digestibility: Methodology to study the impact of genetics, environment and processing on measures of protein quality
    Room: 524b
    Presenting Author: Amanda Gomes Almeida Sa, PhD – University of Manitoba
    Co-Author: James D. House, PhD – University of Manitoba
    Health and NutritionProtein and Co-Products
  • Monday, Apr 29th
    3:35 PM – 3:55 PM EDT
    Stearidonic acid metabolism: Comparison to other dietary omega-3 fatty acids and potential impact on health
    Room: 520e
    Presenting Author: Marc E. Surette, PhD (he/him/his) – Université de Moncton
    Co-Author: Luc H. Boudreau – Université de Moncton
    Health and Nutrition
  • Monday, Apr 29th
    3:55 PM – 4:15 PM EDT
    DPA omega-3: what do we know?
    Room: 520e
    Presenting Author: Ann Skulas-Ray – University of Arizona
    Health and Nutrition
  • Monday, Apr 29th
    3:55 PM – 4:15 PM EDT
    Implementation of enzymatic hydrolysis to improve the digestibility of rapeseed albumins
    Room: 524b
    Presenting Author: Sophie Beaubier, PhD (she/her/hers) – University of Lorraine - LRGP CNRS
    Co-Author: Sara Albe-Slabi, PhD – Groupe Avril
    Co-Author: Olivier Galet – AVRIL group
    Co-Author: Romain Kapel – LRGP CNRS University of Lorraine
    Health and NutritionProtein and Co-Products
  • Monday, Apr 29th
    4:15 PM – 4:35 PM EDT
    Applying compound specific isotope analysis (CSIA) to elucidate sex differences in docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) synthesis and metabolism
    Room: 520e
    Presenting Author: Ruxandra Rotarescu – University of Toronto
    Co-Author: Mahima Mathur – University of Toronto
    Co-Author: Ashley Bejoy – University of Toronto
    Co-Author: Adam H. Metherel, PhD – University of Toronto
    Health and Nutrition
  • Monday, Apr 29th
    4:15 PM – 4:35 PM EDT
    Recent advances in plant protein utilization: emerging processing, biomolecular interactions, and in vitro protein digestibility
    Room: 524b
    Presenting Author: Chibuike Udenigwe, PhD – University of Ottawa
    Health and NutritionProtein and Co-Products
  • Monday, Apr 29th
    4:35 PM – 4:55 PM EDT
    Potential of pinolenic acid as a sustainable plant-sourced anti-inflammatory PUFA
    Room: 520e
    Presenting Author: Ella Baker, PhD – University of Southampton
    Co-Author: Sofia Mroz – University of Southampton
    Co-Author: Phil Williamson – University of Southampton
    Co-Author: Philip Calder, PhD, DPhil (he/him/his) – University of Southampton
    Health and Nutrition
  • Monday, Apr 29th
    4:35 PM – 4:55 PM EDT
    Protein digestibility in pulses: unraveling the journey from in-vitro bio-availability to bioactivity
    Room: 524b
    Presenting Author: Kaustav Majumder, PhD (he/him/his) – University of Nebraska-Lincoln
    Health and NutritionProtein and Co-Products
  • Monday, Apr 29th
    5:00 PM – 6:00 PM EDT
    Dedicated Poster Viewing
    Room: 220d
    AnalyticalBiotechnologyEdible Applications TechnologyHealth and NutritionIndustrial Oil ProductsLipid Oxidation and QualityProcessing
  • Monday, Apr 29th
    5:00 PM – 6:00 PM EDT
    Health and Nutrition Poster Session
    Session Chair: Rinat Rivka Ran-Ressler, PhD – Nestle Health Science
    Session Chair: Ignacio Vieitez Osorio, pHD – PEDECIBA Quimica-UdelaR
    Health and Nutrition
  • Monday, Apr 29th
    5:00 PM – 6:00 PM EDT
    Antioxidant potential of Atlantic sea cucumber (Cucumaria frondosa) processing byproducts
    Presenting Author: Abul Hossain (he/him/his) – Memorial University of Newfoundland
    Co-Author: Deepika Dave – Fisheries and Marine Institute of Memorial University of Newfoundland
    Co-Author: Fereidoon Shahidi – Memorial University of Newfoundland
    Health and Nutrition
  • Monday, Apr 29th
    5:00 PM – 6:00 PM EDT
    Bioavailability and metabolism of bioactive peptide IRW with angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) up-regulatory activity in spontaneously hypertensive rats
    Presenting Author: ZIHAN WANG, PhD – University of Alberta
    Co-Author: Hongbing Fan, PhD (he/him/his) – University of Kentucky
    Co-Author: Jianping Wu – University of Alberta
    Health and Nutrition
  • Monday, Apr 29th
    5:00 PM – 6:00 PM EDT
    Delta-6 desaturase conversion of ALA into EPA/DHA has comparable effects on adipocyte size as the direct consumption of EPA/DHA in a model of diet-induced obesity
    Presenting Author: James N. Smorenburg (he/him/his) – University of Guelph
    Co-Author: Katarzyna Hodun – University of Bialystok
    Co-Author: Chenxuan Wang – University of Guelph
    Co-Author: Kyle R D Wells – Dalhousie University
    Co-Author: Keith Brunt – Dalhousie University
    Co-Author: Adrian Chabowski – University of Bialystok
    Co-Author: David M. Mutch – University of Guelph
    Health and Nutrition
  • Monday, Apr 29th
    5:00 PM – 6:00 PM EDT
    Determination of the fate of vitamin D and E in the Pickering emulsions stabilized with microgel particles obtained by protein-polyphenol complexation during in vitro digestion
    Co-Author: yunus IZCI – Fırat University
    Co-Author: Feyzanur İzciler – Inonu Univesity
    Co-Author: Maide Kosar – Inonu University
    Co-Author: Zeynep Merve Abacı – Inonu University
    Co-Author: Gokhan Durmaz (he/him/his) – University of Massachusetts
    Co-Author: Rassoul Kadkhodaee – Research Institute of Food Science and Technology
    Presenting Author: Sibel Uluata, PhD – Inonu Universitesi
    Health and Nutrition
  • Monday, Apr 29th
    5:00 PM – 6:00 PM EDT
    Dietary oxidized phytosterol modulates lipid metabolism in rat
    Co-Author: Tomonari Koyama – Meiji University
    Co-Author: Daichi Fukuoka – Meiji University
    Presenting Author: Kyoichi Osada, PhD – Meiji University
    Health and Nutrition
  • Monday, Apr 29th
    5:00 PM – 6:00 PM EDT
    Edible Mycelium: A novel biofortification vehicle addressing iron deficiency
    Presenting Author: Gozde Gulseren – Univ of Florida - Inst of Food & Ag Sciences
    Co-Author: Juan E. Andrade Laborde, PhD (he/him/his) – University of Florida
    Co-Author: Matthew E. Smith – University of Florida
    Health and Nutrition
  • Monday, Apr 29th
    5:00 PM – 6:00 PM EDT
    Healthy benefits of sea buckthorn pulp and seed oils
    Presenting Author: Shengmin Zhou – Wilmar (Shanghai) Biotechnology R&D Center Co., LTD
    Co-Author: xiaofei jiang – Wilmar (Shanghai) Biotechnology R&D Center Co., LTD
    Co-Author: zhen wang – school of public health(shenzhen)
    Co-Author: tianzhi xie – Wilmar (Shanghai) Biotechnology R&D Center Co., LTD
    Co-Author: Yuanrong Jiang – Wilmar (shanghai) biotechnology R&D center
    Health and Nutrition
  • Monday, Apr 29th
    5:00 PM – 6:00 PM EDT
    In vitro digestion of protein aerogels generated from defatted rice bran protein via supercritical carbon dioxide technology
    Presenting Author: Sumanjot Kaur, MS (she/her/hers) – University of Arkansas
    Co-Author: Ali Ubeyitogullari, PhD (he/him/his) – University of Arkansas
    Health and Nutrition
  • Monday, Apr 29th
    5:00 PM – 6:00 PM EDT
    Menhaden oil but not flaxseed oil reduces hepatic lipogenic gene expression independent of delta-6 desaturase activity
    Presenting Author: Blair W. MacLeod – University of Guelph
    Co-Author: Chenxuan Wang – University of Guelph
    Co-Author: Ewa Harasim-Symbor – Medical University of Bialystok
    Co-Author: Adrian Chabowski – University of Bialystok
    Co-Author: David M. Mutch – University of Guelph
    Health and Nutrition
  • Monday, Apr 29th
    5:00 PM – 6:00 PM EDT
    Potential Osteogenic Activity of Canola Protein Hydrolysates in Osteoblast Cell MC3T3-E1
    Presenting Author: Da Shi – University of Alberta
    Co-Author: Supratim Ghosh, PhD (he/him/his) – University of Saskatchewan
    Co-Author: Jianping Wu – University of Alberta
    Health and Nutrition
  • Monday, Apr 29th
    5:00 PM – 6:00 PM EDT
    Protein content claims and nutritional quality of high‑moisture meat analogues (HMMAs)
    Presenting Author: Amanda Gomes Almeida Sa, PhD – University of Manitoba
    Co-Author: Ravinder Singh, MSc – University of Manitoba
    Co-Author: Filiz Koksel – University of Manitoba
    Co-Author: James D. House, PhD – University of Manitoba
    Health and Nutrition
  • Tuesday, Apr 30th
    8:30 AM – 10:00 AM EDT
    AI and Nutrition
    Room: 524b
    Session Chair: Fabiola Dionisi, PhD – Nestlé Research
    Session Chair: Andrea Hsieh, PhD PMP – Nestle Health Science
    Health and Nutrition
  • Tuesday, Apr 30th
    8:30 AM – 10:00 AM EDT
    The Role of Processing on the Nutritional, Functional, and Biological Properties of Macro and Micronutrients
    Room: 518c
    Session Chair: Lori Wicklund
    Session Chair: Jasmin S. Yang (she/her/hers) – University of California, Davis
    ProcessingHealth and Nutrition
  • Tuesday, Apr 30th
    8:35 AM – 8:52 AM EDT
    Precision Nutrition in Maternal and Child Health
    Room: 524b
    Presenting Author: Samantha L. Huey, PhD (she/her/hers) – Cornell University
    Co-Author: Julia Finkelstein – Cornell University
    Co-Author: Shah Mohammad Fahim – Cornell University
    Co-Author: Kripa Rajagopalan – Cornell University
    Co-Author: Rob Knight – University of California San Diego
    Co-Author: Tahmeed Ahmed – International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research
    Co-Author: Saurabh Mehta – Cornell University
    Health and Nutrition
  • Tuesday, Apr 30th
    8:35 AM – 8:55 AM EDT
    Impact of Oilseed Processing Tools on Developing Functional and Health-Oriented Ingredients
    Room: 518c
    Presenting Author: Brent Flickinger – The Science Angle and Indiana University-Bloomington
    ProcessingHealth and Nutrition
  • Tuesday, Apr 30th
    8:52 AM – 9:09 AM EDT
    AI Applied to Product and Consumer Research: Empowering human expertise
    Room: 524b
    Presenting Author: Ben Arnold – Mintel
    Co-Author: Jill Saucier – Mintel
    Health and Nutrition
  • Tuesday, Apr 30th
    8:55 AM – 9:15 AM EDT
    Exploring the Health Benefits of Flaxseed: Extraction and Enrichment of Secoisolariciresinol Diglucoside and its Polymer
    Room: 518c
    Co-Author: Youn Young Shim, PhD – University of Saskatchewan
    Presenting Author: Martin J.T. Reaney – University of Saskatchewan
    Co-Author: Yingxue Hu – University of Saskatchewan
    Co-Author: Hye-Jin Kim – Kolmar BNH CO., LTD
    Co-Author: Hak Sung Lee – Kolmar BNH CO., LTD.
    Co-Author: Young Jun M. Kim – Korea University
    ProcessingHealth and Nutrition
  • Tuesday, Apr 30th
    9:09 AM – 9:26 AM EDT
    Machine Learning Study: Application for Pet Biomarker Discovery from Omics Data
    Room: 524b
    Presenting Author: Chang Woon Jang – Nestle Purina Petcare Company
    Co-Author: Ebenezer Satyaraj – Nestle Purina
    Co-Author: Pascal Steiner – Nestle Purina
    Health and Nutrition
  • Tuesday, Apr 30th
    9:15 AM – 9:35 AM EDT
    Unlocking almond milk’s potential with bio-guided processing strategies for enhanced nutrition and functionality
    Room: 518c
    Presenting Author: Juliana M. Leite Nobrega de Moura Bell (she/her/hers) – University of California, Davis
    Co-Author: Jessica Hallstrom, M.S. – University of California, Davis
    Co-Author: Jane Ong – University of California, Davis
    Co-Author: Julien Delarue – University of California, Davis
    ProcessingHealth and Nutrition
  • Tuesday, Apr 30th
    9:26 AM – 9:43 AM EDT
    AI in Nutrition Research: Forging Innovations for Global Nutrition and Health Surveillance
    Room: 524b
    Presenting Author: Elena N. Naumova – Tufts University
    Health and Nutrition
  • Tuesday, Apr 30th
    9:35 AM – 9:55 AM EDT
    Leveraging Innovative Technologies: Toward Functional Plant Proteins
    Room: 518c
    Presenting Author: Baraem Pam Ismail, PhD (she/her/hers) – University of Minnesota
    ProcessingHealth and Nutrition
  • Tuesday, Apr 30th
    9:43 AM – 10:00 AM EDT
    Transformational power of AI-driven technology in nutritional health
    Room: 524b
    Presenting Author: Mary Christ, MD, MBA – Nestle Health Science
    Health and Nutrition
  • Tuesday, Apr 30th
    10:30 AM – 12:00 PM EDT
    (Bio)active Delivery of Nutritional & Health Benefits for People and Plants
    Room: 519a
    Session Chair: Daniel S. Miller (he/him/his) – Dow
    Session Chair: Amir Ghayour, MASc – BASF
    Surfactants and DetergentsHealth and Nutrition
  • Tuesday, Apr 30th
    10:30 AM – 12:00 PM EDT
    Fermentation II: Precision Fermentation of Alternative Oils With Unique Health Benefits
    Room: 524b
    Session Chair: Frederic Destaillats, PhD (he/him/his) – Checkerspot
    Session Chair: Surinder P. Singh – Nourish Ingredients
    BiotechnologyProtein and Co-ProductsProcessingHealth and Nutrition
  • Tuesday, Apr 30th
    10:35 AM – 10:52 AM EDT
    Partitioning behavior of hydrophobic bioactives in vesicles
    Room: 519a
    Presenting Author: Stephanie R. Dungan, MS, PhD (she/her/hers) – University of California, Davis
    Co-Author: Ann-Dorie R. Webley – Univ. of California, Davis
    Co-Author: Susan E. Ebeler – Univ. of California, Davis
    Surfactants and DetergentsHealth and Nutrition
  • Tuesday, Apr 30th
    10:35 AM – 10:55 AM EDT
    Transforming fruit waste into sustainable fats and oils through precision fermentation using oleaginous microorganisms
    Room: 524b
    Presenting Author: Dr Venkat Rao Konasani – Zayt Bioscience GmbH
    BiotechnologyProtein and Co-ProductsProcessingHealth and Nutrition
  • Tuesday, Apr 30th
    10:52 AM – 11:09 AM EDT
    Delivery of cannabinoids via lecithin-linker microemulsions formulated via the HLD-NAC model
    Room: 519a
    Presenting Author: Edgar J. Acosta, PhD – University of Toronto
    Co-Author: Mehdi Nouraei – Micellae Delivery Systems
    Surfactants and DetergentsHealth and Nutrition
  • Tuesday, Apr 30th
    10:55 AM – 11:15 AM EDT
    Precision fermentation: a food production system for a sustainable future
    Room: 524b
    Presenting Author: Surinder P. Singh – Nourish Ingredients
    Co-Author: Kornelia Kaczmarska – Nourish Ingredients
    Co-Author: Maciej B. Holowko – Nourish Ingredients
    Co-Author: Claudia Moratti – Nourish Ingredients
    Co-Author: Huw Hayman Zumpe – Nourish Ingerdients
    BiotechnologyProtein and Co-ProductsProcessingHealth and Nutrition
  • Tuesday, Apr 30th
    11:09 AM – 11:26 AM EDT
    Anti-splash additives for reducing pollution and increasing yield with agricultural sprays
    Room: 519a
    Co-Author: Yeganehsadat Moussavi – University of British Columbia
    Presenting Author: John M. Frostad – University of British Columbia
    Surfactants and DetergentsHealth and Nutrition
  • Tuesday, Apr 30th
    11:15 AM – 11:35 AM EDT
    Engineering lipid profiles in thraustochytrids
    Room: 524b
    Presenting Author: David Woodhal
    BiotechnologyProtein and Co-ProductsProcessingHealth and Nutrition
  • Tuesday, Apr 30th
    11:26 AM – 11:43 AM EDT
    Sustainable emulsifier for active delivery in agricultural formulations
    Room: 519a
    Co-Author: Dean Oester, PhD – BASF (Cincinnati, Ohio)
    Presenting Author: Rodney Klima, PhD – BASF Corporation
    Surfactants and DetergentsHealth and Nutrition
  • Tuesday, Apr 30th
    11:35 AM – 11:55 AM EDT
    Production of Human Milk Fat Analogue by Fermentation of Microalgae
    Room: 524b
    Presenting Author: Frederic Destaillats, PhD (he/him/his) – Checkerspot
    Co-Author: Xiaoying Zhou – Checkerspot
    Co-Author: Xinhua Zhao – Checkerspot
    Co-Author: Leon Parker – Checkerspot
    Co-Author: Paul Derkach – Checkerspot
    Co-Author: Mona Correa – Checkerspot
    Co-Author: Veronica Benites – Checkerspot
    Co-Author: Roberta Miller – Checkerspot
    Co-Author: Dino Athanasiadis – Checkerspot
    Co-Author: Bryce Doherty – Checkerspot
    Co-Author: Gawharah Alnozaili – Checkerspot
    Co-Author: Jon Wittenberg – Checkerspot
    Co-Author: Daniel Gates – Checkerspot
    Co-Author: Walter Rakitsky, PhD, MBA – Checkerspot
    Co-Author: Scott Franklin – Checkerspot
    BiotechnologyProtein and Co-ProductsProcessingHealth and Nutrition
  • Tuesday, Apr 30th
    11:43 AM – 12:00 PM EDT
    How to Design a Viscoelastic Mouth Rinse for Enhanced Active Deposition without Polymers
    Room: 519a
    Co-Author: Changlong Chen – Colgate
    Co-Author: ChiYuan Cheng – Colgate
    Co-Author: Michael Stranick – Colgate Palmolive
    Co-Author: Zhigang Hao – Colgate Palmolive
    Co-Author: Thomas Schollbach – Colgate Palmolive
    Presenting Author: Hongwei Shen, PHD – Colgate-Palmolive Company
    Surfactants and DetergentsHealth and Nutrition
  • Tuesday, Apr 30th
    1:30 PM – 3:00 PM EDT
    Is the Omega-6 to Omega-3 Ratio Useful or Not?
    Room: 524b
    Session Chair: Philip Calder, PhD, DPhil (he/him/his) – University of Southampton
    Session Chair: Marie-Caroline Michalski, PhD, Eng. (she/her/hers) – INRAE, CarMeN Laboratory
    Health and Nutrition
  • Tuesday, Apr 30th
    1:30 PM – 3:00 PM EDT
    Lipid Oxidation Products and Process Contaminants: From Analytics to Health Impacts
    Room: 524c
    Session Chair: Fernanda F. G. Dias, PhD (she/her/hers) – University of Minnesota
    Session Chair: Jake M. Olson, PhD – TerViva Bioenergy Inc.
    Session Chair: Giorgia Purcaro, PhD (she/her/hers) – University of Liège
    Lipid Oxidation and QualityHealth and NutritionAnalytical
  • Tuesday, Apr 30th
    1:35 PM – 1:52 PM EDT
    A New UHPLC-UV-MS Method for Detection and Identification of Bioactive Compounds
    Room: 524c
    Presenting Author: Adam Zarth – Cargill
    Co-Author: Ana Magallanes Lopez – Cargill
    Co-Author: Vicenta Garcia Campayo – Cargill
    Lipid Oxidation and QualityHealth and NutritionAnalytical
  • Tuesday, Apr 30th
    1:35 PM – 1:52 PM EDT
    Omega-6 to omega-3 ratio: help or hinderance?
    Room: 524b
    Presenting Author: Philip Calder, PhD, DPhil (he/him/his) – University of Southampton
    Health and Nutrition
  • Tuesday, Apr 30th
    1:52 PM – 2:09 PM EDT
    Adipose tissue inflammation and altered lipid signaling in obesity, and the effects of long chain omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid supplementation.
    Room: 524b
    Presenting Author: Helena Fisk, PhD – University of Southampton
    Co-Author: Robert Ayres – NHS
    Co-Author: Caroline Childs – University of Southampton
    Co-Author: Paul Noakes – University of Notre Dame Australia
    Co-Author: Ondrej Kuda – Institute of Physiology of the Czech Academy of Sciences
    Co-Author: Jan Kopecký – Institute of Physiology of the Czech Academy of Sciences
    Co-Author: Elie Antoun – The Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences Oxford Institute
    Co-Author: Karen Lillycrop – University of Southampton
    Health and Nutrition
  • Tuesday, Apr 30th
    1:52 PM – 2:09 PM EDT
    Evaluation of the effects of allyl isothiocyanate and diallyl disulfide on the trans isomerization of unsaturated fatty acids during heat treatment
    Room: 524c
    Presenting Author: Junji Obi, MS – Nissui Corporation
    Co-Author: Taro Sakamoto – Nissui Corporation
    Co-Author: Kiyomi Furihata – Nissui Corporation
    Co-Author: Seizo Sato – Nissui Corporation
    Co-Author: Masaki Honda – Meijo University
    Lipid Oxidation and QualityHealth and NutritionAnalytical
  • Tuesday, Apr 30th
    2:09 PM – 2:26 PM EDT
    Delta-6 desaturase conversion of ALA into EPA/DHA has comparable effects on adipocyte size as the direct consumption of EPA/DHA in a model of diet-induced obesity
    Room: 524b
    Presenting Author: James N. Smorenburg (he/him/his) – University of Guelph
    Co-Author: Katarzyna Hodun – University of Bialystok
    Co-Author: Chenxuan Wang – University of Guelph
    Co-Author: Kyle R D Wells – Dalhousie University
    Co-Author: Keith Brunt – Dalhousie University
    Co-Author: Adrian Chabowski – University of Bialystok
    Co-Author: David M. Mutch – University of Guelph
    Health and Nutrition
  • Tuesday, Apr 30th
    2:09 PM – 2:26 PM EDT
    Diet Enriched with Epoxidized Triacylglycerols Induces Inflammatory Responses in the Gastrointestinal Tract of Mice
    Room: 524c
    Presenting Author: Magdalena Osowiecka – Institute of Physiological Chemistry
    Co-Author: Yifan Bao, MSc – Institute of Physiological Chemistry
    Co-Author: Matthias Strauss – Institute of Physiological Chemistry
    Co-Author: Christiane Ott – DIfE German Institute of Human Nutrition Potsdam-Rehbruecke
    Co-Author: Richard Bleyer – Institute of Physiological Chemistry
    Co-Author: Daniela Krivda – Institute of Physiological Chemistry
    Co-Author: Yury Lebedov – The Maulide Group
    Co-Author: Sergio Armentia Armentia Matheu – The Maulide Group
    Co-Author: Nuno Maulide – The Maulide Group
    Co-Author: Tilman Grune – Institute of Physiological Chemistry
    Co-Author: Marc Pignitter, PhD – University of Vienna
    Lipid Oxidation and QualityHealth and NutritionAnalytical
  • Tuesday, Apr 30th
    2:26 PM – 2:43 PM EDT
    Menhaden oil but not flaxseed oil reduces hepatic lipogenic gene expression independent of delta-6 desaturase activity
    Room: 524b
    Presenting Author: Blair W. MacLeod – University of Guelph
    Co-Author: Chenxuan Wang – University of Guelph
    Co-Author: Ewa Harasim-Symbor – Medical University of Bialystok
    Co-Author: Adrian Chabowski – University of Bialystok
    Co-Author: David M. Mutch – University of Guelph
    Health and Nutrition
  • Tuesday, Apr 30th
    2:26 PM – 2:43 PM EDT
    Monochloro-1,2-propanediol Esters (MCPDE) and Glycidyl Esters (GE) Analysis: Recent Updates from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration
    Room: 524c
    Presenting Author: Jessica K. Beekman, PhD (she/her/hers) – U.S. FDA
    Co-Author: Samanta Popol (she/her/hers) – U.S. FDA
    Co-Author: Iris Yourick – U.S. FDA
    Lipid Oxidation and QualityHealth and NutritionAnalytical
  • Tuesday, Apr 30th
    2:43 PM – 3:00 PM EDT
    Geographic and climate based variation in essential fatty acid content of Canadian canola.
    Room: 524b
    Presenting Author: Michael R. Bukowski, PhD – USDA-ARS
    Co-Author: Sarah Goslee (she/her/hers) – USDA-ARS
    Co-Author: Véronique J. Barthet, PhD (she/her/hers) – Canadian Grain Commission
    Health and Nutrition
  • Tuesday, Apr 30th
    2:43 PM – 3:00 PM EDT
    Inhibition of advanced glycation end-products by chlorogenic and caffeic acids and their detection and quantification by fluorescence and LC-MS
    Room: 524c
    Presenting Author: Christianne Yapor – Chapman University
    Co-Author: Lilian W. Senger, PhD – Chapman University
    Lipid Oxidation and QualityHealth and NutritionAnalytical
  • Tuesday, Apr 30th
    3:30 PM – 5:00 PM EDT
    Important Considerations about Replacing Saturated Fat with Different Fats or Other Macronutrients
    Room: 524b
    Session Chair: Penny Kris-Etherton – The Pennsylvania State University
    Session Chair: J. Thomas Brenna, PhD – The University of Texas At Austin
    Health and Nutrition
  • Tuesday, Apr 30th
    3:30 PM – 5:00 PM EDT
    Protein Biofunctions - Exploring the Impact of Food Proteins and Peptides on Human Bodily Functions
    Room: 518b
    Session Chair: Hongbing Fan, PhD (he/him/his) – University of Kentucky
    Session Chair: Shigeru Katayama, PhD – Shinshu University
    Health and NutritionProtein and Co-Products
  • Tuesday, Apr 30th
    3:35 PM – 3:52 PM EDT
    γ-Glutamyl dipeptide (γ-Glu-Val): Dual benefits in reducing vascular inflammation, atherosclerotic plaque formation, and modulating the kokumi taste
    Room: 518b
    Presenting Author: Kaustav Majumder, PhD (he/him/his) – University of Nebraska-Lincoln
    Health and NutritionProtein and Co-Products
  • Tuesday, Apr 30th
    3:35 PM – 3:52 PM EDT
    Recommended Foods and Fats to Decrease Cardiovascular Disease Risk
    Room: 524b
    Presenting Author: Penny Kris-Etherton – The Pennsylvania State University
    Health and Nutrition
  • Tuesday, Apr 30th
    3:52 PM – 4:09 PM EDT
    Counter Point - Positioning Dairy Fat in Dietary Recommendations on Cardiovascular Disease.
    Room: 524b
    Presenting Author: Frans J. Kok, PhD (he/him/his) – Wageningen University
    Health and Nutrition
  • Tuesday, Apr 30th
    3:52 PM – 4:09 PM EDT
    Plant-derived bioactive peptides: value-addition and sustainability
    Room: 518b
    Presenting Author: Jianping Wu – University of Alberta
    Health and NutritionProtein and Co-Products
  • Tuesday, Apr 30th
    4:09 PM – 4:26 PM EDT
    Is PUFA the Preferred Replacement Macronutrient for SFA? Weighing the Evidence
    Room: 524b
    Presenting Author: Gregory Shearer, PhD – Nutrition and Physiology
    Author: Martha A. Belury, PhD, RDN (she/her/hers) – The Ohio State University
    Health and Nutrition
  • Tuesday, Apr 30th
    4:09 PM – 4:26 PM EDT
    Phosphorylation of buckwheat allergenic proteins reduces their allergenic potential and improves therapeutic strategy
    Room: 518b
    Presenting Author: Shigeru Katayama, PhD – Shinshu University
    Health and NutritionProtein and Co-Products
  • Tuesday, Apr 30th
    4:26 PM – 4:43 PM EDT
    Healthy and Unhealthy Saturated Fats: Process Contaminants May Explain Dietary Fat Responses
    Room: 524b
    Presenting Author: J. Thomas Brenna, PhD – The University of Texas At Austin
    Health and Nutrition
  • Tuesday, Apr 30th
    4:26 PM – 4:43 PM EDT
    Increase in food-derived liner and cyclic peptide levels in human blood by ingestion of porcine elastin peptides
    Room: 518b
    Presenting Author: Yasutaka Shigemura, PhD – Tokyo Kasei University
    Co-Author: Yu Iwasaki – Tokyo Kasei University
    Co-Author: Yoshinori Katakura – Kyushu University
    Co-Author: Mikako Sato – NH Foods Ltd
    Co-Author: Yukihiro Sugawara – NH Foods Ltd
    Health and NutritionProtein and Co-Products
  • Tuesday, Apr 30th
    4:43 PM – 5:00 PM EDT
    Biological activities of plant proteins and peptides
    Room: 518b
    Presenting Author: Rotimi E. Aluko, PhD (he/him/his) – University of Manitoba
    Health and NutritionProtein and Co-Products
  • Tuesday, Apr 30th
    4:43 PM – 5:00 PM EDT
    What to make of the evidence to support the SFA replacement message
    Room: 524b
    Presenting Author: Philip Calder, PhD, DPhil (he/him/his) – University of Southampton
    Health and Nutrition
  • Tuesday, Apr 30th
    6:00 PM – 7:30 PM EDT
    Health and Nutrition Division Dinner
    Room: DoubleTree by Hilton Montréal, Creation Room
    Networking EventHealth and Nutrition
  • Wednesday, May 1st
    8:30 AM – 10:00 AM EDT
    Fermentation III: Challenges and opportunities in scaling up fermentation to isolate micro-organisms
    Room: 524c
    Session Chair: Mahesh Khot
    Session Chair: Bishnu Karki, PhD – South Dakota State University
    BiotechnologyProtein and Co-ProductsProcessingHealth and Nutrition
  • Wednesday, May 1st
    8:30 AM – 10:00 AM EDT
    The Role of Polyphenols and Flavonoids in Health, Nutrition and Oxidation
    Room: 524b
    Session Chair: Ignacio Vieitez Osorio, pHD – PEDECIBA Quimica-UdelaR
    Session Chair: Apollinaire Tsopmo – Carleton University
    Health and NutritionLipid Oxidation and Quality
  • Wednesday, May 1st
    8:35 AM – 8:55 AM EDT
    Developing a Circular Bioeconomy Model for Converting Sunflower Processing Industry Byproducts into Value-added Co-products via Fungal Fermentation
    Room: 524c
    Presenting Author: Santosh Thapa, MS in Microbiology (he/him/his) – South Dakota State University
    Co-Author: Bishnu Karki, PhD – South Dakota State University
    BiotechnologyProtein and Co-ProductsProcessingHealth and Nutrition
  • Wednesday, May 1st
    8:35 AM – 8:55 AM EDT
    Developing Powerful Multi-Antioxidant Systems by Exploring the Compositional Diversity of Essential Oils and Plant extracts and by Modulating their Structures
    Room: 524b
    Presenting Author: Salwa Karboune – McGill University
    Health and NutritionLipid Oxidation and Quality
  • Wednesday, May 1st
    8:55 AM – 9:15 AM EDT
    Effect of submerged fermentation with Aureobasidium pullulans on physicochemical and functional properties of canola meal
    Room: 524c
    Co-Author: Nirat Katuwal – South Dakota State University
    Presenting Author: Santosh Thapa, MS in Microbiology (he/him/his) – South Dakota State University
    Co-Author: Bishnu Karki, PhD – South Dakota State University
    BiotechnologyProtein and Co-ProductsProcessingHealth and Nutrition
  • Wednesday, May 1st
    8:55 AM – 9:15 AM EDT
    Phenolic content of hydroponically grown sweet basil inoculated with endophytic bacteria and their antioxidant activity in model systems.
    Room: 524b
    Presenting Author: Gabriela Yunuen Campos Espinosa, MSc (she/her/hers) – Carleton University
    Co-Author: Patricia Dörr de Quadros – University of Waterloo
    Co-Author: Roberta Fulthorpe – University of Toronto
    Co-Author: Apollinaire Tsopmo – Carleton University
    Health and NutritionLipid Oxidation and Quality
  • Wednesday, May 1st
    9:15 AM – 9:35 AM EDT
    Solid-state production of enzyme for soybean processing
    Room: 524c
    Co-Author: Afranul Ovi – University of Akron
    Co-Author: Md Fauzul Kabir (he/him/his) – University of Akron
    Co-Author: Nathan Nguyen – University of Akron
    Presenting Author: Lu-Kwang Ju, PhD (he/him/his) – University of Akron
    BiotechnologyProtein and Co-ProductsProcessingHealth and Nutrition
  • Wednesday, May 1st
    9:15 AM – 9:35 AM EDT
    Ultrasound assisted-Liposomes and Emulsion-Filled Gels are promising candidates as encapsulation agents to deliver phytochemicals
    Room: 524b
    Presenting Author: Farah Hosseinian – Carleton University
    Health and NutritionLipid Oxidation and Quality
  • Wednesday, May 1st
    9:35 AM – 9:55 AM EDT
    Solid state fermentation of soybean hulls and cheese whey by using mono- and co-cultures of Aureobasidium pullulans, Aspergillus niger, and Trichoderma reesei
    Room: 524c
    Co-Author: Ruchita Bhattarai – South Dakota State University
    Co-Author: Nirat Katuwal – South Dakota State University
    Presenting Author: Bishnu Karki, PhD – South Dakota State University
    BiotechnologyProtein and Co-ProductsProcessingHealth and Nutrition
  • Wednesday, May 1st
    9:35 AM – 9:55 AM EDT
    Steam explosion enhances the ability of phenolics of beach pea in controlling lipid peroxidation in human LDL cholesterol, liposome, and food systems
    Room: 524b
    Presenting Author: Sarusha Santhiravel – Memorial University of Newfoundland
    Co-Author: Fereidoon Shahidi – Memorial University of Newfoundland
    Health and NutritionLipid Oxidation and Quality